Call Of Duty Ghosts Review.

First off call of duty ghosts is a good game but, it has it flaws. 1st flaw the maps are so cluttered and a couple are depressing to play its like MW3 maps. 2nd flaw you kill in 5 bullets you die in 1 bullet. The 3rd and final flaw that I saw was the maps are 2 big it’s like I’m playing in Houston Tx. The good things about the game are it’s fast paced its based off gun skill witch I love. Another good thing about the game is the mantle over walls it speeds game play up witch brings a different element to the game witch makes it more fun the sliding in my opinion is useless.

Some tips place slow watch every corner you pass use your headset if you have one, you can sound whore in this like its nothing. And use the SA-805 & the ARX ( it has bad iron sits) so use red dot. Over all I enjoyed playing for 2 hours had fun, but some things need to be patched, buffed and Nerfed ASAP. I think it’s worth buying but if you really wanna play buy it for current-gen if you can wait then buy it for next-gen.

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