Cod Ghosts a disappointment or no?

Cod Ghosts is a really boring. It’s the most boring cod I’ve every played! I honestly don’t know what IW was thinking when they put these Battlefield size maps in the game the thing (I HATE THE MOST). What was IW thinking when they took out CTF and put in Blitz WHAT!?!? Take black ops2 for instance black ops2 was a phenomenal game! It was competitive it was fun it had symmetrical maps, choke points, fun game modes, and entertaining tournaments to watch on stream.
I have loved IW since COD4 and MW2 but now I have lost a lot of respect for IW it’s like black ops2 was a giant foot step forward in witch call of duty needed to take and it did, the proof is in the stream numbers pre-order numbers and how esports has blown up! But now we are back with IW and they seem like all they care about is money they don’t care about the fans or players like Treyarch did. IW really doesn’t realize what they are doing to this billion dollar franchise they are just throwing it down the toilet. All I’m saying is the game is boring it’s not competitive the maps are too big and it’s a drag to play:( I was hype for this game and it turned out to be a big disappointment!

Xbox One

I will be playing the Xbox one on Sat. I can’t wait. I Will give my first impressions of the system and how it works. And I will be playing NextGen 2k14 for the first time. Can’t wait. #hyped

Xbox One Vs PS4

PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One

By Ezblog12


            The console war for the last decade has been a constant battle between which console has the best graphics and which has better online service. In my opinion neither console is better than the other. People who grew up playing a certain console will say Xbox is better or PlayStation is.   

            This argument is totally stupid and pointless because they both do the same thing and that is play video games. Some might say that one has better exclusives or a better controller I like both. In my opinion I think Xbox has a better controller for FPS games but that is me I don’t care if you disagree that is cool. Also “Fanboys” are the most biased people in the gaming community now I’m not going to lie I used to be an Xbox “Fanboy” because that is what I grew up playing with my cousin he also,  has a PS2 and we played GTA all night.

            My favorite games to play are Call of Duty, Sports and Racing games. I love COD on the 360 because of the smoothness of the game and how it plays the ps3 version of COD is smooth but not as consistent but it is still very fun to play. Some features of the Xbox I prefer over the PS3 the party chat system also the smoothness of reading and sending messages and invites to players and friends.

            We are coming to a close with Current-Gen I still believe neither console is better than the other. We are entering Next-Gen and I can’t wait to get the PS4.  If you want to have fun buy the console you want do research don’t let friends influence your purchase. I also will say if you buy the console your friends are getting you will have more fun.

THANKS FOR READING. I know I was all over the place I will work on organization and writing. Thanks Follow me on twitter @ezblog12

Call Of Duty Ghosts Review.

First off call of duty ghosts is a good game but, it has it flaws. 1st flaw the maps are so cluttered and a couple are depressing to play its like MW3 maps. 2nd flaw you kill in 5 bullets you die in 1 bullet. The 3rd and final flaw that I saw was the maps are 2 big it’s like I’m playing in Houston Tx. The good things about the game are it’s fast paced its based off gun skill witch I love. Another good thing about the game is the mantle over walls it speeds game play up witch brings a different element to the game witch makes it more fun the sliding in my opinion is useless.

Some tips place slow watch every corner you pass use your headset if you have one, you can sound whore in this like its nothing. And use the SA-805 & the ARX ( it has bad iron sits) so use red dot. Over all I enjoyed playing for 2 hours had fun, but some things need to be patched, buffed and Nerfed ASAP. I think it’s worth buying but if you really wanna play buy it for current-gen if you can wait then buy it for next-gen.